This might help you:


On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 8:29 AM Bernard Maassen <> wrote:

> I was wondering if it's possible to reuse the same client/proxy for
> multiple endpoints.
> My situation:
> * i generated the client java code from the wsdl
> * client is created using JaxWsProxyFactoryBean.create( service.class )
> * this is repeated a few thousand times, for different ip/port user/pass
> The issue:
> each proxy takes about 2mb of memory, which if it's just one client is
> not really an issue, but when having a few thousand it adds up. And as
> the only thing that is really different between them is the ip/port
> and user/password used, i have the feeling it could/should be done
> differently.
> Any thoughts?
> Bernard

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