Hi all,

I am trying to use CXF with ws-trust and I am trying to use it with simple java 
code without Spring.

I have the policy configuration with sp:SignedSupportingTokens and 
sp:UserNameToken but after settings property on the STSClient and putting in 
the Bus I have is a empty body 

Output message has been logged with LoggingInterceptor.

The STS service I am sending it to is answering that RST is missing (<env:Text 
xml:lang="en">The required element wst:RequestSecurityToken is 

I configured the STSClient on the bus and I set it with its property 
(ws-security.sts.client) but how can I dig out why this STSClient does not get 
called ?

Is it possible to use CXF Ws-Trust support without Spring ? I can't understand 
what is missing

I am attaching URL of XValueSTS JunitTest.


GitHub project contains WSDL of the server, URI of the server is not available 
because it is on a private VPN.

Best Regards


Leonardo Battagli
IT Solution
Direzione PAC/Sanità

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA
Via Torre degli Agli, 48 - I- 50144 Firenze - ITALY
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