Hallo Manfred,

die Installation habe (und hatte) ich wie beschrieben durchgeführt.
Dann passiert dies (reproduzierbar):
 The exception above was detected in native code outside the VM
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (Blackdown-1.4.2-02 mixed mode)
# An error report file has been saved as hs_err_pid9838.log.
# Please refer to the file for further information.
terminate called after throwing an instance 
of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException'
KCrash: Application 'soffice.bin' crashing...

Another exception has been detected while we were handling last error.
Dumping information about last error:
ERROR REPORT FILE = hs_err_pid9838.log
PC                = 0xb4cfa653
SIGNAL            = 11
FUNCTION NAME     = XtWindowOfObject
OFFSET            = 0x15
LIBRARY NAME      = /usr/lib/libXt.so.6
Please check ERROR REPORT FILE for further information, if there is any.
Good bye.

Mit http://portableapps.com werde ich mich noch befassen.
Mal sehen ob da die Lösung zu finden ist oder vielleicht doch
erst mal Suns Java installieren.

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