Java Guy wrote:
I was wondering if someone could help me in putting in the correct values for ContextEntry of a custom partition in server.xml.
I've recently inherited a very creaky, legacy app that used openldap.
Unfortunately the hardware at my disposal is only windows and the openldap
win32 version we tried to use has a max of 64 concurrent connections -- hence
my trials w/ apacheds(also have a side project to try to compile w/ cygwin).
I'm fairly new to LDAP and after a couple of days, I'm at a bit of a loss.
So here's what I've done + other facts:
1. I'm using Apacheds 1.0.2, only b/c the documentation is much better.
:/ ADS 1.5.4 is way better, even if the doco sucks...
2. There is a custom schema, and I've managed to generate code for a custom
schema, package the jar and drop it into apacheds/lib/ext folder. I've also
enabled the schema in server.xml
Injecting a schema in 1.5.4, using Apache Studio, is also much simpler
than compiling it (the 1.0 way)
3. A point to note; the schema isn't VALID in that I have to disable schema
Ok, at this point, providing the schema would help.
4. I can start apacheds after all this w/ no problems or stacktraces. I've
changed to log on INFO
5. My problem is that I can't load an .ldif that is a dump of openldap. I am
guessing that my ContextEntry is wrong...I've been tweaking forever to try to
match my root element, but I'd appreciate any help
I guess that your context entry is :
<property name="contextEntry">
objectClass: top
objectClass: organization
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: javaContainer
objectClass: organizationalRole
dc: localnet
First, 'organization' OC has one mandatory attributeType : 'o' (or
'organization'). It must be present in the context entry. Second, you
have more than one Structural OC in your entry, and this is not allowed
(you can only do that if they inherit from each other, for instance,
person -> organizationalPerson, inetorgPerson).
Fix your context entry and just pick one of those OC, 'domain' could be ok :
<property name="contextEntry">
objectClass: top
objectClass: domain
dc: localnet
I've attached:
- server.xml (note that the new partition is called
- ldif
Any help would be very much appreciated!
Hope it helps ...
cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny