Hi, we have a project has 80,000 users in one OU. This is a requirement.

With guidance from this group, I've tried dozens of combinations of indexing 
attributes, setting their cache sizes,
increasing the partition caches, timeout settings, etc.

We're using the 64 bit java  service wrapper and have given the JVM 5GB of 
Despite this, we still have 20+ second response times when searching on 
displayName and employeeNumber .
This is consistent with multiple ldap clients.

Every time we've made configuration or index changes, it's been to a clean 
empty system and then we load our LDIF file with the 80k users.

You've all been very helpful to us but we're backed into wall with this.
The response times are unacceptable and we don't know what else we can do.

Could someone provide us with an idea of how to configure the system to get the 
best performance when searching
for displayName and employeeNumber? The displayName lengths are up to 80 
characters, the employeeNumber is 25.

Thank you!

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