After some experiments based on the errors I was getting and tips I found from 
searching the Internet, here's a summary on using diguest-MD5 authentication 
with Apache DS so far:

On the ApacheDS server side: (using Apache Directory Studio for configuration)

- Define a host domain name in host file for

- Use host domain name instead of in ApacheDS configuration for SASL 

- Make sure the Search Base DN parameter in SASL settings points to where the 
users entries are stored in DIT

- Store the user password in clear text. In order to acchieve this, some 
discussions from the mailing list suggested to disable the default 
passwordPolicies and passwordHashing interceptors

- Restart ApacheDS after chaning the configuration

On the client side: (using Apache Directory Studio)

- Use host domain name instead of in connection configuration for 
Hostname under Network Parameters

- Use uid alone w/o "uid=" instead of full DN of the user for Bind DN or User 
under Authentication

- Make sure to select the right SASL realm, in my case, in SASL 

Ater doing all these, I'm still getting the error:

LDAP: error code 49 - INVALID_CREDENTIALS: DIGEST-MD5: cannot acquire password 
for Gang.Yang in realm :

Anyone who's knowledgeable in this area, please help. I'm using a newly 
downloaded latest ApacheDS and Apache Directory Studio (2.0.0-M10 and 2.0.0-M4).

Thanks in advance,


From: Yang, Gang CTR (US) []
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 12:28 PM
Subject: Diguest-MD5 authentication


I'm using the latest ApacheDS and Apache Directory Studio. I can bind using 
Simple authentication, but failed using Diguest-MD5 or Kerboros. I'm sure it's 
the configuration, but I could not find any section in the user's guide (basic 
or advanced) that tells me how. Any help and pointers are appreciated.



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