The Apache Directory Team is pleased to announce the release of Apache
Directory Studio 2.0.0-M8, the eighth milestone release of the version
2.0 of its Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory client.

You can download Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0-M8 as a standalone RCP
application for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows

You can also install it directly in Eclipse using this update site:

Here are a few highlights of this new version:

* Fixed major issues related to the Schema Editor and object classes
not displaying properly.
* Fixed the support for SSHA2 in Password Editor.
* Added support for ApacheDS 2.0.0-M14 configuration and integrated it
in the LDAP Servers plugin.

Here are the release notes for Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0-M8:


* DIRSTUDIO-788 - Date and Time editor incorrect time format for eDirectory
* DIRSTUDIO-792 - Batch operation Next button inactive
* DIRSTUDIO-868 - Do not send an unbind request if the authentication fails
* DIRSTUDIO-911 - Object classes not visible within Schema View of OS X
* DIRSTUDIO-912 - No connection pre-selected when DIT, Searches or
Bookmarks is selected in the LDAP Brower view and the wizard is
accessed via 'File' > 'Import' menu
* DIRSTUDIO-917 - Exporting for ApacheDS an AT with a not-set syntax
length results in 'm-length: 0' output in the resulting LDIF file
* DIRSTUDIO-918 - Wrong error message in Import LDIF wizard when no
connection is selected
* DIRSTUDIO-919 - Invalid thread access when saving an new ApacheDS
2.0 configuration file
* DIRSTUDIO-921 - Schema Pane does not refresh when creating a new object class
* DIRSTUDIO-927 - The "options... Advanced Options Configuration" link
on the "Overview" age does not work


* DIRSTUDIO-890 - Add support for SSHA2 in Password Editor
* DIRSTUDIO-929 - Improve Hex Value Editor to allow text edition


* DIRSTUDIO-925 - Add new mandatory and optional attributes introduced
for the 'ads-delegatingAuthenticator' object class

The Apache Directory Team

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