Thank you Stefan,
I will try out the 1.1 for returnedAttributes.

Regarding the user-group membership, with "member" set on the group entries
as you advised, what would be the easiest means to find "all groups a user
belongs to" ?
The Atn provider I am trying to write a test for has group filtering
support the currently relies on an attribute being set on the user entry to
that maps to a group it is part of. This attribute by default is
"memberOf". Should the provider code be changed to find groups the other


On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Stefan Seelmann <>

> On 10/22/2015 08:15 PM, Naveen Gangam wrote:
> > Hi Emmauel,
> > Thanks for the info.
> >
> > I am not certain with what the most reliable attribute name is across all
> > LDAP implementations but I thought it was "dn" until I saw some Active
> > Directory DIT's, dn was not used at all. It was "distinguishedName"
> > instead.
> >
> > Hive's Atn provider performs ldap searches for groups/users based on
> object
> > class but only retrieves the "distinguishedName" from the matching ldap
> > entries (to save bandwidth in retrieving all the attribute values for
> > matching ldap entries).
> >
> > But in your opinion, is attribute "dn" more of a standard?
> The "dn" is always the first line in an LDIF record, however it is not
> an attribute but its the entry's name. If you only want to retireve the
> dn of an entry without any attribute you can set the list of returned
> attributes to "1.1", then only the dn is retrieved. Don't deal with "dn"
> or "distinguishedName" attribute.
> > Also how do I define Groups and assign users to groups with ApacheDS?
> > memberOf does not seem to work.
> >
> >       "dn: cn=user2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",
> >       "objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
> >       "objectClass: person",
> >       "objectClass: top",
> >       "givenName: Test2",
> >       "cn: Test User2",
> >       "sn: user2",
> >       "uid: user2",
> >       "userPassword: user2",
> >       "memberOf: cn=group2,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"
> ApacheDS does not support memberOf attribute. You have to do it the
> other way around: Create a group object and add the user's dn as
> "member" there. Like this (untested):
>     dn: cn=group2,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
>     objectclass: groupOfNames
>     objectclass: top
>     cn: group2
>     member: cn=user2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
> Kind Regards,
> Stefan

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