
We are trying to generate ldif files to load some user data and password.

If I take the ldif generated from apache directory server M23 it works fine and 
I can import and test the password, for example:

dn: uid=userExample3,ou=users,ou=applications,dc=transfesa,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
cn: test AMOB user 3
sn: Admin
employeeType: freighture_user
mail: userexamp...@test.com
uid: userExample3
userPassword:: e01ENX1OSUdkZSs2cnVTWUtYSVZMeUZzK1JBPT0=

the password is: mypassword and it works fine in Apache Directory Studio.

from e01ENX1OSUdkZSs2cnVTWUtYSVZMeUZzK1JBPT0= I can decode to 

now trying to do in reverse order, so I can generate MD5 +  encode that can be 
used in ldif.

Using some public tools I can generate hexadecimal form password, for example:
Mypassword --> 34819d7beeabb9260a5c854bc85b3e44

But How I can generate an ldif password that can be used in export ...   using 
online tools the format is hexadecimal and importing this in apache ldif does 
not work / password not accepted.

Please can you let me know how to generate a password that can be placed in 
ldif so user can authenticate with this password.
How I can change from 34819d7beeabb9260a5c854bc85b3e44 ( hexadecimal ??) to 

Any ideas welcome!

Thanks in advance, Pablo.

Pablo Fuentes
Middleware Administrator

Calle Musgo 1  (Urb. La Florida)
28023 - Madrid - ESPAÑA

Teléfono: (+34)  913.879.900 (Centralita)
Ext 1262
email:       pablo.fuen...@transfesa.com<mailto:pablo.fuen...@transfesa.com>

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