Le 02/09/2018 à 19:41, ja...@henningok.us a écrit :
> Emmanuel,
> Running OS:  Windows server 2012R2
>    So, I went back to v m24 after getting odd errors from v25 when I copied
> over my M24 config.

What errors did you get ?

> Currently running v m24, and in the path:
> C:\Program Files (x86)\ApacheDS\instances\default\conf
> There are only the following files and one folder:
> Config.ldif_migrated
> Log4j.properties
> Ou=config.ldif
> Wrapper-instance.conf
> FOLDER:  ou=config
> I noticed on this site here:
> https://directory.apache.org/apacheds/basic-ug/1.6-backup-restore.html
> that it stated to extract a LDIF from ApacheDS, so I did that with OPENLDAP
> tools and ldapsearch.  I used the example there as in:
> ‘ldapsearch -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -w secret -p 10389 -h localhost -b
> "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub "(ObjectClass=*)" * + > backup.ldif’
> I then imported that into v24, had to do it a few times because it would
> never get it all the first time.  After that was complete, that is how I
> ended up with the file structure above in the ‘conf’ folder.

Dumping and reloading data will actually require such multiple reloads,
because the dataaren't ordered, and you may have a child be injected
*before* its parent get loaded, so such multiple reload is necessary.

> I apologize as I was first referencing version m25.
> Am I missing something?

I have to check the windows layout (I don't use window) to be sure you
aren't missing anything.

If you post the error you get with M25, I can probably tell you wnhat's
going on.

Emmanuel Lecharny


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