Something I have gathered reading through code if it helps, ip_pipeline is
designed such that user side cli (_fe) runs in master pipeline and sends
conf requests to various other packet processing pipelines (_be) which
handle such requests at intervals. These can run on same or different
threads(cores) as per conf, no locking requirement as table-updation &
table-reading (packet processing) always happens in same pipeline so always
same thread. Master pipeline can be configured to run on a separate core &
it should be the case, but table updation happens in pipeline thread only
at lower priority.

On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 11:29 PM, Nidhia Varghese <
> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thanks for your reply.
> As given in the link(3rd point), what I need is single writer
> thread(pipeline) performing table entry add/delete operations and another
> thread(which is in turn another pipeline) that performs lookup operations
> to the same table entries.
> Thanks,
> Nidhia Varghese

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