13/12/2017 09:14, Anand Prasad:
>  Hi Dpdk team,
>    Can anyone please share tips to get better DPDK performance? I have tried 
> to run DPDK test applications on various PC configurations with different CPU 
> Speeds, RAM Size/Speed and and PCIex16 2nd and 3rd generation connections... 
> but I don't get very consistent results.
>    The same test application does not behave similarly on 2 PC's with same 
> hardware configuration.But general observation is that, performance is better 
> on Intel motherboard with 3rd generation PCIe slot. When tried on Gigabyte 
> motherboard (even with higher CPU and RAM speeds), performance was very poor.
>     The performance issue I am facing is the Packet Drop issue on the Rx side.
>  Two PC's with exactly same hardware configuration, one PC drops packets 
> after few hours, but in the other PC I don't observe packet drop
> Highly appreciate a quick response
> Regards,Anand Prasad

This is very complicate because it really depends on the hardware.
Managing performance requires a very good knowledge of the hardware.

You can find some basic advices in this guide for some Intel hardware:
You will also find some informations in the drivers guide. Example:

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