Hi Alex,
> [changchun] In the same thread, but how about to dequeuer at the beginning of 
> the thread each time,
> if data presents then processing them, if no data just do other work, and 
> equeue the packets at some
> time but does not wait.
> For example:
> While(1)
> {
>       Nb_ops = dequeuer();
>       If(nb_ops > )
>              {
>                  process_dequeued_data();
>                  continue;
>              }
>               Other_work();
>               If(ipsec)
>                   Enqueuer();
> }
> Does it make sense?
[Fiona] It can, though on the first loop ro after a queit time youll proably 
get very few back on first and second dequeue as
It'll be called immediately after the enqueue. Once it gets busy that could be 
ok though

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