Hi DPDK Experts,

I am running l2fwd-crypto app on SR-IOV VFs.
I am sending ICMP ping on ipv4 to the l2fwd-crypto.
On the transmit side, I am not receiving any encrypted packet.
Instead I am just receiving the very same icmp packet.
The only change I made, is to the l2fwd_mac_updating function, to set the 
destination mac to broadcast, to make sure the packet reaches destination VF.

Command to send packet:
arp -s -i dev0 3a:fc:e6:60:a9:d3
ping -I dev0 -c1

Command to run l2fwd-crypto:
./l2fwd-crypto -l 0-1 -n 4 --vdev "crypto_aesni_mb0" --vdev "crypto_aesni_mb1" 
-w 0000:65:00.4 -w 0000:65:00.5 -- -p 0x3 --cdev SW --chain CIPHER_HASH 
--cipher_op ENCRYPT --cipher_algo aes-cbc --cipher_key 
00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f --auth_op GENERATE --auth_algo 
aes-xcbc-mac --auth_key 10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:1a:1b:1c:1d:1e:1f

Output Counter suggests encryption was done:
Port statistics ====================================
Statistics for port 0 ------------------------------
Packets sent:                                1
Packets received:                            0
Packets dropped:                             0
Statistics for port 1 ------------------------------
Packets sent:                                0
Packets received:                            1
Packets dropped:                             0
Crypto statistics ==================================
Statistics for cryptodev 0 -------------------------
Packets enqueued:                            0
Packets dequeued:                            0
Packets errors:                              0
Statistics for cryptodev 1 -------------------------
Packets enqueued:                            1
Packets dequeued:                            1
Packets errors:                              0
Aggregate statistics ===============================
Total packets received:                      1
Total packets enqueued:                      1
Total packets dequeued:                      1
Total packets sent:                          1
Total packets dropped:                       0
Total packets crypto errors:                 0

What the received packet looks like:
[root@decrypt-app-deployment-79fdd95b56-h8lxr ~]# tshark  -i dev4
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on 'dev4'
  1 0.000000000 ->  ICMP 110 Unknown ICMP (obsolete or 
^C1 packet captured

Can anyone suggest what I could be missing here?


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