On Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 6:25 PM Templin (US), Fred L
<fred.l.temp...@boeing.com> wrote:
> Hi, I have put a lot of time into learning about dpdk-20.11 but I have not 
> yet found
> documentation on how to use it with shared libraries.  In dpdk-20.11, the 
> examples
> are all built as "static" by default meaning that the entire kitchen sink of 
> all DPDK
> libraries are linked in during the "ld" phase and the resulting binary is 
> huge. When
> built as "static", the examples all appear to work fine as everything is 
> loaded by
> default at runtime.
> When I build the examples as "shared", however, the story is completely 
> different.
> Examples that run fine as "static" do not work at all when built as "shared". 
> It is
> clear that somehow the build procedure is not giving adequate instructions to 
> the
> loader so that all necessary libraries will be ready to go at runtime.
> I believe what needs to happen is that initialization code needs to be added 
> to the
> example "main.c" modules to initialize functions that will be needed by lower 
> levels
> but that are not being picked up on by the loader. But, I can find no 
> documentation
> for how to do this. In my next message, I will send a code example of what I 
> have
> tried so far.

I suppose you are testing with a local build (i.e. a dpdk not
installed system wide).

Example with my build env:
$ $HOME/builds/build-gcc-shared/examples/dpdk-helloworld --no-huge -m
512 --vdev net_null0
EAL: Detected 28 lcore(s)
EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
EAL: Detected shared linkage of DPDK
EAL: failed to parse device "net_null0"
EAL: Unable to parse device 'net_null0'
PANIC in main():
Cannot init EAL
5: [/home/dmarchan/builds/build-gcc-shared/examples/dpdk-helloworld()
4: [/usr/lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf2) [0x7f7ece854082]]
3: [/home/dmarchan/builds/build-gcc-shared/examples/dpdk-helloworld()
Aborted (core dumped)

You have several solutions.
You can simply install dpdk system wide.

Or, try to pass -d <your_driver.so> in EAL cmdline options.
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/builds/build-gcc-shared/install/usr/local/lib64
$HOME/builds/build-gcc-shared/examples/dpdk-helloworld --no-huge -m
512 -d 
--vdev net_null0
EAL: Detected 28 lcore(s)
EAL: Detected 1 NUMA nodes
EAL: Detected shared linkage of DPDK
EAL: Multi-process socket /run/user/1001/dpdk/rte/mp_socket
EAL: Selected IOVA mode 'VA'
EAL: VFIO support initialized
TELEMETRY: No legacy callbacks, legacy socket not created
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Or you can also pass a directory to this option and EAL will try to
load any driver in this directory.

David Marchand

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