Hi folks,

Hope all are well. I’m trying to enable interrupts in DPDK so that my network 
receive thread can sleep on an epoll until packets arrive. I am using the ixgbe 
kernel driver and igb_uio userspace driver with an Intel 82599ES 10Gbps NIC.

I'm doing roughly the following to enable the interrupts, but the epoll never 
indicates that packets have arrived. The thread only handles packets when the 
epoll times out. I don't even see interrupts arrive from the device when 
monitoring /proc/interrupts.

port_conf.intr_conf.rxq = 1;


CHECK_EQ(rte_eth_dev_rx_intr_ctl_q(kPort, kQueue, RTE_EPOLL_PER_THREAD,
                                   RTE_INTR_EVENT_ADD, nullptr),
CHECK_EQ(rte_eth_dev_rx_intr_enable(kPort, kQueue), 0);


rte_epoll_event event;
while (true) {
  int n = rte_epoll_wait(RTE_EPOLL_PER_THREAD, &event, /*maxevents=*/1,
  if (n == 0) {
    // Timeout expired.
  } else {
    // Received RX interrupt.

Given that I don't see anything coming through in /proc/interrupts, I am going 
to start digging through the ixgbe driver. However, I wanted to ask here first 
to see if my setup is missing anything obvious. I based it closely on the 
l3fwd-power example, though I haven't been able to get that example up and 
running yet since my NIC only has one port plugged in right now and the example 
requires two (COVID building restrictions).

Jack Humphries

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