Hi ,
Can anyone please guide me why rss action is not working in meter green action 
with Mellanox PF (connect x6-Dx) ,only getting packets on first queue
 my configurations are as follows :

add port meter profile srtcm_rfc2697 0 0 3125000000 3125000000 0 0
add port meter policy 0 0 g_actions mark id 3 / rss types ip end queues 0 1 2 3 
end key 
  / end y_actions mark id 7 / rss types ip end queues 0 1 2 3 end key 
 / end r_actions drop  / end
create port meter 0 0 0 0 yes 0 0 0
flow create 0 group 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4  / end actions jump group 1 / 
flow create 0 group 1 ingress pattern eth / ipv4  / end actions meter mtr_id 0 
/ end

 from 2022-03-17 

Ariba Ehtesham

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