Dear all,

I am trying to run the EHFinder thorns on some numerical data stored at hdf
files in a directory. However, running the parameter file returns an error:

WARNING level 0 from host maitraya-Lenovo-Y50-70 process 0
  while executing schedule bin (none), routine (no thorn)::(no routine)
  in thorn Cactus, file /home/maitraya/Cactus/src/main/SetParams.c:93:
  -> CCTKi_SetParameter: Error at line 21 in parameter file
/home/maitraya/simulations/EHF/output-0000/EHF.par while activating thorns

Since I am new, I may have written the parameter file incorrectly. The
contents of the parameter file are below:

ActiveThorns = "IOUtil ioascii iobasic"
# IO parameters
# IO::recover_dir = "/home/maitraya/Desktop/David/"

ActiveThorns = "cartgrid3d"
# grid parameters
CartGrid3D::type         = "coordbase"
CartGrid3D::domain       = "full"
CartGrid3D::avoid_origin = "no"
CoordBase::xmin = -5.9
CoordBase::ymin = -5.9
CoordBase::zmin = -5.9
CoordBase::xmax = 5.9
CoordBase::ymax = 5.9
CoordBase::zmax = 5.9
CoordBase::dx   = 0.40689655172413808
CoordBase::dy   = 0.40689655172413808
CoordBase::dz   = 0.40689655172413808

ActiveThorns = "EHFinder"
# EHFinder parameters
ehfinder::shell_width = 1.8
ehfinder::mode = normal
ehfinder::initial_f[0] = "sphere"
ehfinder::initial_rad[0] = 5.0

IOBasic::outScalar_vars =       " ehfinder::f ehfinder::eh_mask"
IOASCII::out1D_vars     =       " ehfinder::f ehfinder::eh_mask
ehfinder::eh_area ehfinder::eh_centroid_x ehfinder::eh_centroid_y
ehfinder::eh_centroid_z ehfinder::eh_circ_eq ehfinder::eh_circ_pol "

IOBasic::outInfo_vars   = "ehfinder::f "

Please tell me what I am doing wrong ?


Attachment: EHF.par
Description: Binary data

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