dear all,

as we had mentioned to some of you, and as discussed during the last ET 
telecon, Helvi and i have 
some Cactus thorns that we'd like to make available to the general ET 
community. these include: an 
updated evolution code that we used to evolve Proca fields 
(, the 
corresponding analysis and initial data thorns, as well as a general metric 
evolution thorn (based 
on Uli Sperhake's Lean). we have been cleaning up the codes, and they are now 
available in following 
(public) bitbucket repositories:

included are some testsuites as well as some basic README files. we are 
currently working on a paper 
that would also serve as documentation.

it would be great if these could be considered for inclusion in the 2018-08 
release. as instructed, 
we have created the corresponding ticket:

many thanks,
Miguel & Helvi
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