Dear whom it may concern,

I simulated the binary neutron star merger as in gallery 
code( I tried to find out 
the mass of the merged neutron star. For test, I calculated the initial mass of 
each neutron star  from the file rho.xy.h5 which is the rest mass density. What 
I computed is about 0.9 solar mass , however it supposed to be much larger 
because the baryonic mass of the initial data of each neutron star is about 
1.45 solar mass. I also calculated magnetic energy which corresponds to about 
1e-6 solar mass  which is not a possible reason of the discrepancy. I also 
considered velocity which may increase mass due to the relativity but the 
maximum of the initial velocity is only about 0.1c which also does not raise 
the mass too much. What is the possible reason that the total rest mass is so 
much smaller than the baryonic mass ?

Thank you.

Best regards,

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