Hi Chia-Hui,

particle_tracerET already has a parameter for this: out_of_bounds_xyz

I follow the general rule of setting it to about 80% of my (coarsest) grid


*     *     *
Prof. Zachariah Etienne
West Virginia University
*https://math.wvu.edu/~zetienne/ <https://math.wvu.edu/~zetienne/>*

On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 10:58 AM Haas, Roland <rh...@illinois.edu> wrote:

> Hello Chia-Hui,
> the error message indicates that the code tried to interpolation a
> quantity to location (x,y,z)=(-157.725,-576.349,-99.2027) but that the
> grid only has a size of (xmin,ymin,zmin)x(xmax,ymax,zmax) =
> (-576,-576,-576)x(576,576,576) (where I made a guess for the ymax and
> zmax values given that the output only shows the shape of the grid on
> one MPI rank).
> So the interpolation point is outside of the domain.
> Depending on what caused the interpolation this could mean eg that a
> tracer particle (given the function name
> "DoOneRK4StepForParticleTracerET") tried to leave the domain. This is
> something that needsto be fixed in the particle_tracerET thorn,
> probably by making it deactivate particles that get too close to the
> edge of the domain.
> Yours,
> Roland
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am using IllinoisGRMHD with the test with nsns_test.par in
> https://bitbucket.org/zach_etienne/wvuthorns_diagnostics/src/master/NSNS_parameter_files/
> .
> >
> > The simulation runs well until t~5300 and an error occurs. The error
> message is like this:
> >
> >
> > WARNING level 1 from host nid02210 process 0
> >   while executing schedule bin particle_tracerET, routine
> particle_tracerET::DoOneRK4StepForParticleTracerET
> >   in thorn AEILocalInterp, file
> /global/u1/c/chlin/et/Cactus/arrangements/Numerical/AEILocalInterp/src/Lagrange-tensor-product/../template.c:1109:
> >   ->
> >    CCTK_InterpLocalUniform():
> >         interpolation point is either outside the grid,
> >         or inside but too close to the grid boundary!
> >         (this may be caused by a global interpolation with
> >          driver::ghost_size too small)
> >         0-origin interpolation point number pt=0 of N_interp_points=1
> >         interpolation point (x,y,z)=(-157.725,-576.349,-99.2027)
> >         grid x_min(delta_x)x_max = -576(18)576
> >         grid y_min(delta_y)y_max = -576(18)54
> >         grid z_min(delta_z)z_max = -576(18)54
> >
> > WARNING level 1 from host nid02210 process 0
> >   while executing schedule bin particle_tracerET, routine
> particle_tracerET::DoOneRK4StepForParticleTracerET
> >   in thorn particle_tracerET, file
> /global/u1/c/chlin/et/Cactus/arrangements/WVUThorns_Diagnostics/particle_tracerET/src/Interpolate_velocities_at_particle_positions.C:131:
> >   -> interpolation screwed up
> > WARNING level 1 from host nid02210 process 1
> >   while executing schedule bin particle_tracerET, routine
> particle_tracerET::DoOneRK4StepForParticleTracerET
> >   in thorn particle_tracerET, file
> /global/u1/c/chlin/et/Cactus/arrangements/WVUThorns_Diagnostics/particle_tracerET/src/Interpolate_velocities_at_particle_positions.C:131:
> >   -> interpolation screwed up
> > srun: error: nid02211: tasks 2-3: Exited with exit code 1
> > srun: Terminating job step 21753671.0
> > srun: error: nid02210: tasks 0-1: Exited with exit code 1
> >
> >
> > I think maybe t can be avoided by decreasing the timestep so that the
> tracer particle would not move too fast to make the  interpolation screwed
> up but I am not sure. So what I want to ask is :
> >
> >   1.  It this error can be avoided by decreasing the timestep ?
> >   2.  If so, how can I  decrease the timestep in parameter file (or in
> other places)?
> >
> >
> > Thank you.
> > Best regards,
> > Chia-Hui
> --
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