Hello Xiaoxiao,

I am not sure if CarpetAdaptiveRegrid is still the way to go. 

The most recent use of adaptive mesh refinement is the AMRToy thorn
that you can find in the Carpet repository.

That thorn uses the "level_mask" grid function of CarpetRegrid2.
Basically at each point on the grid you can specify the refinement
level that should cover that grid point. CarpetRegrid2 then takes care
to turn that mask into Carpet's internal datastructures describing a
grid hierarchy.

See AMRToy/par/amr-simple.par for an example usage (in particular how
CarpetRegrid2's parameters are set up).


> Hello:
> I am trying to do a simulation about wormholes-trumpet using ETK. Using AMR 
> techniques seems necessary to save lots of computing memory at the moment.
>  I download all the thorns following the instructions from the ETK websites, 
> then add the statement:  ActiveThorns = “CarpetAdaptiveRegrid"  and other 
> necessary thorns in the par files,  to prepare for a simulation. But when I 
> compile it, it tells me CarpetAdaptiveRegrid can not be found!
> Then I check the catalog of Cactus, I find CarpetAdaptiveRegrid is just in 
> the repos/carpet, not belongs to arrangments/Carpet.
> So I want to ask is there any methods to add CarpetAdaptiveRegrid to 
> successfully compile  with it? (I try to modify the original 
> einsteintoolkit.th<http://einsteintoolkit.th> file to add 
> CarpetAdaptiveRegrid into it, but it tells me the conflicts between 
> CarpetRegrid2 and CarpetAdaptiveRegrid!) Or how to compile ETK with adding 
> into CarpetAdaptiveRegrid into it to achieve AMR?
> Thanks!
> Best Regards!
> Xiaoxiao

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