hi Erik,

i've made a gist here: 
i've added the code snippet and (some of) the corresponding output from 
processor 2, as well as the 
parfile used. this parfile uses some private thorns, but i think the only 
relevant thing is the grid 
structure and coordinates. also, this used 48 processors.
is there anything else i should provide?


On 25/06/19 19:59, Erik Schnetter wrote:
> Miguel
> I do not know what you see, thus I cannot comment. Can you post your
> output/results somewhere, e.g. on "gist.github.com"?
> -erik
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 2:53 PM Miguel Zilhão
> <miguel.zilhao.nogue...@tecnico.ulisboa.pt> wrote:
>> hi all,
>> thanks for your replies. i will try to implement something based on these 
>> suggestions. in any case
>> though, it still seems to me that the behaviour of the Sn function from the 
>> Interpolate2 thorn is
>> not the expected one...
>> i understand that some points can be both "outer boundary" and 
>> "inter-process boundary", but when
>> using an outer radius of 128, i wouldn't expect a point at radius~60 to ever 
>> be flagged as "outer
>> boundary"... yet, this does happen for some of the tests that i've 
>> performed. if this is indeed the
>> expected behaviour, maybe some clarification could be added to its 
>> interface.ccl, or documentation?
>> thanks,
>> Miguel
>> On 25/06/19 15:24, Erik Schnetter wrote:
>>> Miguel
>>> Grid functions have edges and corners, and thus there are points that
>>> are both "outer boundary" and "inter-process boundary".
>>> The canonical way to find out where the outer boundaries are is to call
>>> # The location of the boundary points
>>> CCTK_INT FUNCTION MultiPatch_GetBoundarySpecification \
>>>     (CCTK_INT IN map, \
>>>      CCTK_INT IN size, \
>>>      CCTK_INT OUT ARRAY nboundaryzones, \
>>>      CCTK_INT OUT ARRAY is_internal, \
>>>      CCTK_INT OUT ARRAY is_staggered, \
>>>      CCTK_INT OUT ARRAY shiftout)
>>> This specifies, for a given map, how many boundary points there are
>>> (nboundaryzones).
>>> You also call
>>> CCTK_INT FUNCTION                         \
>>>       MultiPatch_GetBbox                    \
>>>           (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST IN cctkGH, \
>>>            CCTK_INT IN size,                \
>>>            CCTK_INT OUT ARRAY bbox)
>>> to find out whether each of the 6 boundaries are outer boundaries.
>>> "Outer boundary" here means that you need to apply an outer boundary
>>> condition. Note that this might include some ghost zones. Depending on
>>> your setup, you can either synchronize before applying outer boundary
>>> conditions, and then apply them on ghost zones as well, or you can
>>> skip applying outer boundary conditions on outer boundary points that
>>> are ghost points, and then synchronize later.
>>> To find out which points are ghost points, look at cctk_bbox in cctkGH.
>>> -erik
>>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 9:50 AM Haas, Roland <rh...@illinois.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hello Miguel,
>>>> the official way would be to use CoordBase's GetBoundarySizesAndTypes
>>>> function or replicate the code in repos/mclachlan/ML_BSSN/src/Kranc.cc,
>>>> specifically GetBoundaryInfo.
>>>> The repsonses in the is_symbnd from GetBoundarySizesAndTypes and
>>>> GetBoundaryInfo likely differ since the former does not know about Llama 
>>>> so will classify Llama's inter-patch boundaries as "symmetry" boundaries 
>>>> while the latter does not do so.
>>>> Their answer's for physical boundaries (which may not quite be the same
>>>> as "outer" boundaries if symmetry boundaries count as "outer") should
>>>> be identical though. And you are looking for the physical boundaries
>>>> after all.
>>>> Yours,
>>>> Roland
>>>>> hi Roland, all,
>>>>> i'm coming back to this point since i'm now realizing that my 
>>>>> interpretation was not correct... just to recall, i'm imposing boundary 
>>>>> conditions in the following fashion:
>>>>>       reflevel = GetRefinementLevel(cctkGH)
>>>>>       map      = MultiPatch_GetMap(cctkGH)
>>>>>       if (reflevel /= 0 .or. map == 0) return
>>>>>       do j = 1, cctk_lsh(2)
>>>>>          do i = 1, cctk_lsh(1)
>>>>>             do k = cctk_lsh(3)-cctk_nghostzones(3)+1, cctk_lsh(3)
>>>>>                if (Sn(i,j,k) == -2) then
>>>>>                  [my BCs go here]
>>>>>                end if
>>>>>             end do
>>>>>          end do
>>>>>       end do
>>>>> and my assumption was that the line "if (Sn(i,j,k) == -2)" would 
>>>>> guarantee that this would only run in the physical boundary region, as 
>>>>> per the comment in the file interface.ccl from llama/Interpolate2:
>>>>>      CCTK_INT source_patch TYPE=gf TAGS='Checkpoint="no" 
>>>>> Prolongation="none"'
>>>>>      {
>>>>>        Sn
>>>>>      } "source patch number, -1 for interior points, -2 for outer 
>>>>> boundary points, -3 for inter-
>>>>> processor ghost points"
>>>>> this interpretation was consistent with what it's done in the thorn 
>>>>> LlamaWaveToy (where the BC are imposed in a similar way).
>>>>> however, when running with several processors, it seems that there are 
>>>>> some inter-processor points marked with Sn = -2, and therefore the loop 
>>>>> above is called outside my physical boundary region (i noticed this by 
>>>>> adding write statements inside the loop above).
>>>>> so i have the following questions:
>>>>>     - what exactly does "outer boundary points" mean for the Sn function? 
>>>>> is there a bug, or did i just misinterpreted that "outer boundary" means 
>>>>> the "physical" boundary?
>>>>>     - what would be the canonical way of checking whether a point belongs 
>>>>> to the physical outer boundary (ie, where BCs should be specified) when 
>>>>> using Llama?
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Miguel
>>>>> On 18/06/19 16:00, Haas, Roland wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Miguel,
>>>>>>> oh, but won't this be handled by the
>>>>>>>       if (Sn(i,j,k) == -2)
>>>>>>> line above?
>>>>>> I see. I had no idea that this is what the grid function does.
>>>>>>> from the description of the Sn function in the Interpolate2 thorn:
>>>>>>>      CCTK_INT source_patch TYPE=gf TAGS='Checkpoint="no"
>>>>>>> Prolongation="none"' {
>>>>>>>        Sn
>>>>>>>      } "source patch number, -1 for interior points, -2 for outer
>>>>>>> boundary points, -3 for inter- processor ghost points"
>>>>>>> and also from the way this is done in LlamaWaveToy, i was assuming
>>>>>>> that Sn(i,j,k) == -2 would guarantee that the points belong to the
>>>>>>> outer boundary (ie, points where i want to specify a physical
>>>>>>> boundary condition). is this assumption not correct?
>>>>>> Yes, in that case this should work fine. In fact it is probably more
>>>>>> correct then what I did b/c due to the way Llama works may suggestion
>>>>>> would likely have treated the inter-patch bondaries in Llama as outer
>>>>>> boundaries (since they are "symmetry" boundaries to Cactus).
>>>>>> So you should be fine actually.
>>>>>> Yours,
>>>>>> Roland
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