Present: Roland, Peter, Zach, Jose, Keith, Sam, Steve, Leo, Johnny,

ET release
* release managers will send out draft of release statement later today
* 2 weeks to release, target date May 24th
* no issues with remaining inclusions
* Steve is asking for images to put on the release mug, Zach suggested
  looking for kuibit based images
* Leo is not able to assign tickets on, Roland will check if there is
  something off with his account compared to Sam, who can

ET testsuite status
* Peter is compiling on db1 to run TOV star
* Steve will run BBH
* Roland has run BNS
* Johnny has run Poisson equation, will update website
* Multipatch scalar wave assigned to Jake (UTAusin), runs finished,
  working on uploading to website
* Leo reduced runtime of NRPyEllipticET test and will push change

Unanswered questions
* Steve will contact Shamin Haque about issues on clusters
* Zach suggested creating a "unanswered tickets"  lists similar to
  unanswered questions. Roland says this should be possible with some
  Python code and REST API calls to bitbucket's API. Estimated work
  load is about 2hrs if one knows the API.
* Leo will look into Tmunu ticket in Baikal
* WENO coefficient ticket still up for review, will be done after

ET summer school
* Registration is open, email is out 
* Travel support can be requested at registration time

* Sam is asking about existing interpolation / deaverage code in
  CarpetX to from cell centered averages to samples or averages at
  cells, faces, vertices. Roland suggests that the prolongation
  operators could be used for some of this, but that most code so far
  seems to roll their own

* Roland and Zach looked into C auto-generating Maple code
* Roland could re-run the scripts and re-generate the code
* results looks identical up to renaming of variables and pass the
  current ET testsuites
** Roland noticed that 3d generation log files are missing, will check
   what is going on
* Peter has 5th order Hermite codes for field to particle interpolation
  in GR-SPH code, will discuss with Zach if that can be made available
* coeffs derived in MMA and code exported to Fortran from there

Next chair: Sam
Next minute taker: Steve


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