Present: Steve, Sam, Yosef, Keith, Roland, Zach, Peter, Jose
Chair: Sam
Notes: Steve

Release: Most of the branches and tags have been done.
Gallery: Not all done (Steve forgot). Peter did 4 different resolutions.

Roland is moving the tutorial server to github
Only Steve, Erik, and Roland can push to the dockerhub

Steve needs to run tests on LSU machines.

Issue with ticket 2497. IGMHD also has a parameter that replictaes one in TmunuBase. IGMHD will be deprecated to be replaced by GrhaylET.

GrhaylET has 90% code coverage.

US ET summer school:
Registration is open
Tutorials have been arranged

EU ET summer school.

Spec should still be happening.

Peter has a convergence plot for NSs. Possible mug image.

Steve needs to reply to email

Next week: Chair: Peter, Minute Taker: Sam

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