Present: Peter, Roland, Leo, Sam, Steve, Yosef

open tickets:

Ticket 2735
* proposed simplification of schedule.ccl for ADMBase, HydroBase, and TmunuBase
* Sam simplified the schedule making use of more modern
  STORAGE foo[timelevels] constructs
* there is also checks if intial_FOO is "none" in which case no storage
  is allocated for FOO
* Roland says that these should be retained

Ticket 2742
* proposed restructuring of Seed_Magnetic_Fields
* Sam described the two Seed_Magnetic_Fields thorns in WVUThorns and
  WVUThorns_Diagnostics and desire to merge them into a single thorn
* added schedule statements to make thorns use with just HydroBase
  rather than IllinoisGRMHD
* PR is about to be created
* plan is to deprecated Seed_Magnetic_Fields_BNS in the next release and
  remove the release after next

ticket 2627
* announce removal of TmunuBase inherting from ADMBase and
* would remove more uses of StaticConformal and simplify code
* will proceed with deprecation warning

ticket 2497
* Sam and Leo are in conversation with Vikram Manikantan about issues
  they face running IllinoisGRMHD code
* Leo suggests to use magnetized TOV test as parfile to study this

ticket 2741
* some thorns seem to incorrectly use CCTK_GFINDEX4D
* Sam replace some more instances of CCTK_GFINDEX4D with
* Sam will close ticket

ticket 2526
* McLachlan has incorrect READ declarations for presync.
* Ian is busy right now and is asking for others that could volunteer
  to review change to Kranc

ET release:

gallery examples
* BBH gallery example updated by Steve
* Peter will update gallery example 

GRHayL library inclusion proposal in ET_2023_11
* Ticket 2497, as scheduling doesn't mix con2prim and updating Tmunu
* IllinoisGRMHD would no longer see feature updates, be marked as
  deprecated and eventually archived.
* Peter suggests that a "transition guide" from IllinoisGRMHD to GRHayL
  be provided when IllinoisGRMHD is no longer updated. Sam has a draft
  of such a document written already.
* Roland mentioned to carry IllinoisGRMHD along in the ET even after it
  no longer sees updates until maintaining it becomes prohibitive. At
  which point it would move to a archivedthorns-IllinoisGRMHD repository
* this will not affect GiRaFFE

process to deprecate features
* Sam had asked about procedure
* Release announcement will be official notification
* process

release process updates ideas
* Sam reported on issues he encountered some issues when creating the
  new release
* Sam will update "unshallow" commands to download instructions
* notes added to

timing for ET_2023_11 meeting
* schedule:
* proposal deadline for new features would be weeks of RIT meeting
* Sam (release manager) will shift choose features date back by one
  week, keeping other dates the same

ET meetings:

EU ET meeting
* Steve has been working on making the tutorial server a multi-node
  setup, will test after meeting
* will skip ET call next week

US ET meeting
* please check that you have received registration confirmation email
  if you registered. If no email was received then the registration is
  not complete.
* RIT Inn reservation code sent at registration, if you already
  reserved the room without the reservation code, contact the
  organizers to have the code applied (and be able to check out on
  Saturday if so desired)
* the reserved block will go away soon, please reserve your room soon
* Yosef will check if hotel shuttle runs to the airport
* Shuttle from RIT Inn to RIT is provided during extended business
  hours, shuttle runs by request

chair week after next (June 29): Leo
minutes week after next (June 29): Sam

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