Dear Numerical Relativists,

We’ll have our NR community call today, Monday May 8, 9am LA / noon NYC / 5pm London / 6pm Berlin in this Zoom room (NOTE: new Zoom link!):

Our speakers today will be Wolfgang Tichy (FAU / Nmesh) and Haris Markakis (QMUL).

- Feel free to circulate this information within the NR community.
- Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive info on the community calls in the future (or send a short message to to subscribe) and join our Slack for discussions (channel: #nr-community-call).
- Please sign up for a slot in the schedule to speak at one of the community calls:

Today’s call will be hosted by Keefe Mitman (in CC).

Nils Vu, Ph.D. (he/him)
Sherman Fairchild Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Astrophysics
California Institute of Technology

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