Hi Roland,

Thanks for all of your help on this.  I'm still failing dismally.  I have
made some notes against yours below and attached relevant files.

On Mon, 7 Aug 2023 at 16:27, Roland Haas <rh...@illinois.edu> wrote:

> Hello Bob,
> > I believe that I had previously done everything required and followed all
> > of the install instructions properly.  But I have now gone through them
> all
> > again and still have the same problem.
> > I have attached the config file you mentioned but it doesn't seem to give
> > any more details that are spooled in the Jupyter notebook when I run it.
> Let me see. In you case it looks for just gfortran. This is admittedly
> a bit odd. On MacOS using homebrew or macports it should look for
> gfortran-13 or gfortran-mp-13 respectively.

> I have seen issues with Macs that change their machine name since they
> get derive it from their WiFi IP address. So here's my suggestion:
> * run hostname -f to find out your laptops (current) machine name

> * compare to the output of `simfactory/bin/sim whoami` which should be
>   similar
Current machine: Robs-Mac-mini.local

> * look for the newest file simfactory/mdb/machines/*.ini . It should
>   have quite a long name that looks similar to the output of hostname
>   above
> INI file attached below:::::  The name is exactly the same

> * if the file name differs (other than in having the .ini extension)
>   then you laptop got a new name since you set up Cactus and you will
>   need to re-run `simfactory/bin/sim setup-silent` once more. It should
>   (just above the SUMMARY output) say something along the lines of:
> Creating machine gdd6l52n-ofc.ncsa.illinois.edu from generic: machine
> gdd6l52n-ofc.ncsa.illinois.edu
> [/Users/rhaas/ET_Next/repos/simfactory2/mdb/machines/gdd6l52n-ofc.ncsa.illinois.edu.ini]
> created successfully
> * take a look at the ini file mentioned, and look for the "optionlist"
>   entry. There should be a file of that name in
>   simfactory/mdb/optionlists and that should contain the correct
>   gfortran in its F90 entry
The optionlist mentioned is : optionlist      = generic.cfg
I have also attached this optionlist.  It refers to F90 = gfortran .

> If you laptop does indeed change names, you can force simfactory to use
> a specific name by creating a file $HOME/.hostname and writing the
> desired machine name to it (eg gdd6l52n-ofc.ncsa.illinois.edu in my
> example above). You can also try and pass `--machine
> gdd6l52n-ofc.ncsa.illinois.edu` (for example) to each simfactory
> command which has the same effect (or at least should).
> If any of these things turn out to be not true, could you include the
> full output from `setup-silent` (text, not a screenshot please) as well
> as the ini file and cfg files (machine definition and option list),
> please?
> Also which package manager you are using (homebrew or macports) as well
> as the output from `which gfortran-13` /opt/homebrew/bin/gfortran-13or
> `which gfortran-mp-13` gfortran-mp-13 not found as

appropriate both from within a Terminal and from withint the jupyter
> notebook (in a %%bash cell or using !). (*/opt/homebrew/bin/gfortran-13*
> and *gfortran-mp-13 not found* respectively)
II originally used MacPorts but when this failed I did the Homebrew stuff
as well.  Is this okay or will this now have led to some conflicts?

> Finally of course, sometimes the easiest way to clear out mysterious
> errors is to wipe Cactus (`rm -rf ~/Cactus`) and start from scratch (so
> that no lingering options are left behind).
I tried this and had the same problem.

I have also now tried installing VMWare and creating an Ubuntu virtual
machine but I could not get Jupyter Notebook to install on my 65bitArm
version and my shell experience is really patchy.  I feel like I've just
turned up at medical school and have been given a heart transplant to

I think my biggest problem here is my understanding of the underling
stuff.  I've programmed for years but in C#, Java, Python etc so rarely get
my hands dirty in the back-end.  I suspect I need to remove/uninstall some
more stuff and start again but wouldn't know where to start with this.
I've only been running this new Mac-mini for a few months so if I felt I
had a good chance of success I would be tempted to do a full clean
re-install of Ventura since all of my data is cloud backed.

> Yours,
> Roland
> --
> My email is as private as my paper mail. I therefore support encrypting
> and signing email messages. Get my PGP key from http://pgp.mit.edu .

Attachment: Robs-Mac-mini.local.ini
Description: Binary data

Attachment: generic.cfg
Description: Binary data

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