Hello Thejas,

> > >>The gallery example gives a thornlist (ET Schwarzschild release  
> > (ET_2023_05)) that is known to work with the parfile. Have you tried
> > that one? I am asking because using it with GetComponents and
> > simfactory should really give you a working ADMBase.
> >  
>  Yes I have, but I am not able to run the poisson equation.

Hmm, really, when using the release thornlist linked on the gallery


it should have ADMBase present and you should not see the error you were
apparently seeing. I am not quite sure what may be going on.

> > >> I did that, currently the problem I am facing a problem, I have  
> > executed the static tov par file it was compiled but no output. In the
> > older version the output would be in simulation, but not in the 2023
> > version. This is the output
> >  
> Iteration      Time |              ADMBASE::alp |            HYDROBASE::rho
>                     |      minimum      maximum |      minimum      maximum
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    256000  1000.000 |    0.6686480    0.9966259 | 1.000000e-10    0.0012830
> INFO (Carpet): Terminating due to cctk_final_time at t = 1000.000000
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Done.
> + echo Stopping:
> + date
> Stopping:
> Tuesday 08 August 2023 01:29:38 PM IST
> + echo Done.
> Done.
> Simfactory Done at date: Tuesday 08 August 2023 01:29:38 PM

This does indicate that it ran to completion though (ran until
t=1000.0), so there is at least output to screen.

If this is from a 2023 checkout (though for 2023 the gallery example is
no longer static_tov see below), then the output should be in 


If you have a directory $HOME/simulations/static_tov/output-0001 or
other higher numbers present then what happened is that the old
simulation was not removed (using simfactory/bin/sim purge static_tov)
before "simfactory/bin/sim submit static_tov --parfile ..." was
executed. In that case simfactory detects the existing simulation and
will instead add a new segment (output directory) to it. So if you see
any "ouput-0001" or higher directories, then you should either remove
them before you run "sim submit" or instead pass a new simulation name
eg static_tov_01 to "sim submit". Using "sim create" and "sim submit"
separately can help catch these issues since "sim create" will abort
and show an error message if the simulation already exists.

The new release updated that parameter files and


now lists three choices for parameter files

tov_gallery_polytrop.par tov_gallery_polytrop_med.par 
tov_gallery_polytrop_hi.par tov_gallery_polytrop_hi2.par

These also fail?

> >> one more question is there any difference between tov_et and static_tov 
> >> par file, apart from grid size.  

tov_et is very much cut down to run on the tutorial server in 10
minutes or so. Almost everything, including physical correctness, if
given up to achieve this. So really, tov_et should only ever be used in
the 10minutes run on the tutorial server. The gallery example however
is (should be) a production setup, except for the potentially lower
resolution So I would expect quite a number of differences between the


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