Present: Roland, Steve, Peter, Leo, Sam, Zach

New thorns in release:

* deadline for review is Oct 11th
* Sam and Roland added mising GRHayL thorns to autoamted tests

SGRID importer:
* Sam eventually heard back from authors
* tried out provided thorn, fails since it is missing SGRID itself
* Roland mentioned new ExternalLibraries-SGRID thorn

GRHayL MHD thorns:
* Zach is looking will need some spare seconds

CarpetX review:
* Steve looked at some of the code, not much progress yet

ET release name:

* possible options are listed on
* suggested name: Lise Meitner

Unanswered questions:
* no new emails

Open tickets:

* no new non-release related tickets
* icpc 19 cannot compile AMReX Roland
  reports that this is still happening and a workaround may be possible
  but large. Liwei has tried a modern OneAPI based Intel compiler
  (clang based) on Fronterra and seems to have had success
* Peter and Zach will interface about improved ML
* no progress on

chair next week: Peter
minutes next week: Leo

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