Dear all,

Nobody can help me at this question ?

I try another solution with using commons-fileupload.jar, this solution
works on Felix but i must use Oscar and not Felix.

When i try to load the commons-fileupload.jar in oscar i have this error :

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not create bundle object:
legalArgumentException: Missing 'specification-version' parameter.

Can Somebody say me how to load commons-upload and commons-io Bundles into
Oscar ?



> Hello Everybody
> I'm using OScar with http.jar and servlet.jar to develop a web
> application.
> I'm trying to develop in my servlets a file  upload but i hava serious
> problems.
> To upload the file i try to use MultiPartRequest off jetty but i don't
> succeed to use it.
> I add org.mortbay.jetty-jdk1.2.jar in the class path off the Java project
> and i have this exception in execution :
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : org/mortbay/servlet/MultiPartRequest
> Where i must add the library : in Bundle-ClassPath, in import-package.
> I try the twice and i have everytime exception.
> Thanks in advance to help me
> Best Regards
> Simon

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