Richard S. Hall wrote:
If bundle A has the xml-apis.jar file inside of it, is that file mentioned on the bundle's class path? For example, if your bundle contained:


Then your manifest for A should contain:

   Bundle-ClassPath: lib/xml-apis.jar

Actually, if you also have classes in your JAR file, you should include "." in the class path value too, such as:

   Bundle-ClassPath: ., lib/xml-apis.jar

-> richard

-> richard

ribeiant wrote:
I have a bundle "A" that include the xml-apis.jar file. I would like to
export for the other bundles the package "org.w3c.dom". In my manifest of
the bundle "A" I have:
Export-Package: org.xml.sax
and on the others bundles:
Import-Package: org.xml.sax
The problem is that I become a "java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError"
caused by "Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
I don't understand the problem...
Thank you for the help

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