Thanks. I will try to get to it (and some of your other OBR issues), but I am fairly busy the next week or so, so be patient, but feel free to bug me nicely. :-)

-> richard

On 03/06/2009 09:09 AM, Kristian Köhler wrote:

I opened an issue

The attached file should reproduce the problem.



2009/3/6 Richard S. Hall<>

Perhaps you could create a JIRA issue and I could try to look into it.

I will probably need you to make a reproducible example available to me

->  richard

On 03/06/2009 03:08 AM, Kristian Köhler wrote:


I encountered problems while resolving rependencies via the bundle

Here is the scenario:
I have a simple obr file with a resource definition which has an
dependency (the file is attached to this mail). In this file the resource
with the name "org.springframework.core" has a requirement for the
When I start felix with the obr repository location poniting to that file
and type 'obr start com.kkoehler.osgi.repo-test' I'm gettiing the

--- 8<   ---
Unsatisfied requirement(s):
       Unnamed - com.kkoehler.osgi:repo-test:bundle:1.0-SNAPSHOT

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--- 8<   ---

I seems to me that felix tries to resolve the bundle "Spring Core" more
once ;-)

The wrong unsatisfied dependency information can easily be fixed when
checking for existing information in the current list before added it
(org.apache.felix.bundlerepository.ResolverImpl). But I think this is only
workaround for the problem of 'double resolving' (I also tried with a
project and the resolving seems to run 'endless').

In the ResolverImpl I found a statement which 'causes' my problem but
is also a comment for the code.

--- 8<   ---
         // If the resource did not resolve, then remove it from
         // the resolve set, since to keep it consistent for iterative
         // resolving, such as what happens when determining the best
         // available candidate.
         if (!result)
--- 8<   ---

Removing the line solved my problem but I'm not sure if I'm running in new

Can someone help? ;-)



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