I've starting working with the ConfigurationAdmin service and I need to
know how a configuration that a ManagedService recieves is expected to
be used.
Is the received Dictionary an augmentation of the current configuration
or is it a complete configuration.  For example,

ManagedService Foo (default color: blue, default number: 7)

Foo receives (color: red, number: 1) and is set to (color: red, number:

If Foo then receives (color: yellow) should Foo's configuration be
(color: yellow, number: 1) or (color: yellow, number: 7)?


Tim Moloney                 The reasonable man adapts himself to
MRSL                        the world; the unreasonable one persists
2015 Cattlemen Road         in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Sarasota, FL  34232         Therefore all progress depends on the
(941) 377-6775 x208         unreasonable man. - George Bernard Shaw

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