There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about what Java 7 will provide with regard to modularization. In fact, I'm not even sure I know the correct answer here. Take that as a disclaimer as I run the risk of spreading more misinformation based on my understanding of the matter:

   * Java 7 will include new language constructs and corresponding JVM
     enhancements to support modularity. But Java 7 does not define a
     modularity implementation.
   * Jigsaw does provide a modularity implementation based on the Java
     7 enhancements. But, as another response indicated, Jigsaw's
     primary goal is to modularize the JDK itself (so that you can
     pick-n-choose the parts of the JDK that your app needs and ignore
     the rest).
   * That said, Jigsaw can be used by application developers to
     modularize their work. But that's not the primary aim of Jigsaw
     and thus it's possible that Jigsaw may not meet the needs of
     application developers.
   * As another response indicated, Jigsaw does not define a dynamic
     modular system. My understanding of that is that it means that
     Jigsaw will not allow modules to come and go in a running
     application. I also read into it that Jigsaw will not allow
     multiple versions of the same module to reside concurrently in an
     application. (Both of which OSGi allows.)
   * I do not believe that Jigsaw provides for service-orientation as
     OSGi does. In my opinion, this is one of the things that makes
     OSGi that one part of an application can use another
     part of the application as a service without any knowledge of how
     that service is implemented or where it resides--it only needs to
     know the interface.

Again, this is based on my poor understanding of the matter. I welcome anyone who is more well-versed in Java 7 and Jigsaw to correct me--if I'm wrong, I really want to know how I'm wrong.

Elliot Huntington wrote:
I haven't looked into Java 7 too much but I heard Java 7 will be
modifying the Java Specification to include bundles/modularity. Does
anyone know more regarding this and how it will compare with OSGi?

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