On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 5:53 PM, cmoulliard <cmoulli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So we have the package x.y.z exposed by bundle A and package x.y.z exposed
> by bundle B. In the bundle C, I would like to retrieve ALL the classes
> coming from package x.y.z of bundle A and B.

As far as I understood, you are experiencing what we usually call
split packages, that is, a package split across bundles.

The only solution that does not imply changing bundle A or bundle B or
making a new bundle from those two is to use Require-Bundle. That is,
in bundle C's manifest, you would have: Require-Bundle:
A;bundle-version="[1,2)",B;bundle-version="[1,2)". The Import-Package
header is usually preferred but with split packages it will only bind
to either A or B and not both. Another solution would be to create a
new bundle that aggregates A and B (it can be automated in your



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