Hi Oliver,

Looking at other docs about Pax Logging [1] and there source code it
appears that only way to configure the logging level is through Config
Admin. You would need to pass the log4j properties as part of
"org.ops4j.pax.logging" PID. This would then be picked by Pax Logging and
would be used to configure Log4j

I am not sure about your usage of Felix in Netbean so cannot say how you
would create this config. One example I can provide is based on the Pax
Runner profile [2]. This profile configures couple of bundles and make use
of Felix File Install bundle to install the configuration

1. Create a folder pax-example
2. Create a folder name config under pax-example
3. Copy the cfg file [3] to config folder
4. Run pax-run.sh at pax-example
    $pax-run.sh --args=

Then it would launch a Felix container and install couple of bundles. The
logging would be configured via cfg file. A log file named logging.log
would created under pax-example/runner directory.

In your Netbean env you would have to find a similar way to provide config

Chetan Mehrotra

[1] http://team.ops4j.org/wiki/display/paxlogging/Configuration
[2] https://gist.github.com/3394870
[3] https://raw.github.com/gist/3394870/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg

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