At times while debugging we need to find the servlet class name which
handles a particular request. In a JEE based Web Application one can find
out that by looking at the web.xml. However in OSGi it becomes bit tricky
to find out the information easily. Some information is provided by the
"Http Whiteboard" WebConsole Plugin [1]. However it does not provide
information about servlets which are registered directly through
org.osgi.service.http.HttpService.registerServlet(String, Servlet,
Dictionary, HttpContext) method or servlets which are managed by other Fwk
like Sling

In case of Felix HttpService implementation this information is present
with o.a.f.http.base.internal.handler.HandlerRegistry [2] so I had to use
Sling Script Console [3] with script [7] to extract that information. It
would useful if all this information is exposed as part of some WebConsole
plugin similar to "Http Whiteboard" plugin. I am not sure what would be the
best way to achieve that but if we have a WebConsole plugin which exposes
some sort of API to allow various sub systems to provide Servlet
registration info then it can be used to provide all the required
information at one place collected from various sources like

1. Http Whiteboard information
2. HttpService handlerRegistry (possibly a super set of #1)
3. SlingServletResolver [4]
4. Sling Filter Printer [5]

At minimum having access to HandlerRegistry state via current Http
Whiteboard would also help. Information related to Sling can somewhat be
extracted from Recent Requests plugin [6]


Chetan Mehrotra





import org.osgi.service.http.HttpService
import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle

def httpService = sling.getService(HttpService.class)
httpService.handlerRegistry.aliasMap.each{alias,servlet ->
    Bundle bnd = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(servlet.class)
    println "$alias : ${} ($bnd.symbolicName)"

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