Probably I was not clear before. So would try to explain it through an
example. Have a look at oak-core [1]

1. Non OSGi Usecase -  Any other Maven module which depends on
oak-core should not require the osgi related jars at runtime. To
support that case the org.osgi.core dependency has been marked as
optional. Its fine to have the osgi metadata in the manifest file but
osgi related jar should not be part of runtime classpath

2. OSGi Usecase - In osgi env the packages related to osgi core should
be required and not marked as optional

Now if I mark the org.osgi.core dependency as optional (#1) the
maven-bundle-plugin would mark packages from it as optional which
conflicts with #2. So I am looking for a way to achieve both #1 and #2

Chetan Mehrotra


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