Don't forget to mention the dynamic proxies, which can be very interesting for enterprise application IMHO. With DS, people has to remember to use the lifecycle/injection, but it requires all services available at component startup.

The namespace extension is also a very interesting feature for enterprise.

@Alex, I gave a talk about Karaf for the Enterprise, where I addressed all the enterprise specification supported by Karaf.


On 07/19/2015 02:10 PM, Christian Schneider wrote:
I think the question if DS is a good idea is less about the number of
OSGi services. I am pretty sure it can handle any reasonable number.
I would rather look into the rest of the stack you are planning to use.

Think about the things you also need to do:
- UI
- Persistence
- External integration (Rest, SOAP, Messaging)
- Security

You should setup a small prototype including these aspects and check how
well DS fits into these. Probably you will need to choose some
additional frameworks and need to find a way to integrate them with DS.

In my current tutorial about DS I also compared some technical aspects
of blueprint and DS which might also help:


Am 19.07.2015 um 09:53 schrieb Alex Sviridov:
  We are developing some enterprise application of middle level of
difficulty. And all the business domain (the clients are web/gui) we
want to implement via osgi services using DS.

We have tested DS (again I would like to thank everyone who helped us
with DS in this mailing list) and they do all we need.

However, the number of services we will have to implement about
200-300. And every service can be consumer of other services.

What we want to do - every service must be responsible for some field
of domain, for example - employee, timetable, payment etc.

So the question -  is such using of DS a good idea?

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