Hi Felix users,

Our solution consists of a set of bundles running in an Felix container
(Host). We want to open up our part of API for other teams to extends the
solution with additional bundles. As these should not be able to import all
the exports from the other bundles and platform, the idea was to have have a
bundle startup another felix container (Extension) and only export the
packages of our open API for bundles running within this container. However
when protoyping this we ran into the issue that the bundles running within
the Extension container will use the class loader from the Host container
instead of the class loader from the Extension container. Which could make
sense as the Felix classes are contained on the Host. 

We also tried to include the felix jars inside the Extension bundle (to have
the complete felix in the Extension bundle class loader). Unfortunately this
blokced starting up the bundle, as the Activater instantiated in to startup
the Extension bundle is now not created in the same classloader as the where
it is used in the Host container, resulting in a class cast exception. 

Does any one have an idea on how to solve this issue, i.e. so that bundles
runnning in the Extension container will load classes from the class loader
of the Extension container bundle? Or have any other solution to restrict
the imports of some of the bundles running in the Felix container?


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