- I am attempting to modularize my desktop application into osgi bundles
and want to use the
- Felix Maven Bundle Plugin.  I am finding it very difficult to get
adequate documentation how to use the plugin.  I want Maven to copy my
bundle jars to a directory and maintain the repository.xml file in the same
directory.  I can get the artifacts copied and the repository file created
but the URI value in the repository.xml file points to the local repository
in home/m2.  I need to get that changed in the repository file to the new
location but nothing seems to work to accomplish that.  I've tried defining
remote repositories but it doesn't do anything.  I have a server defined in
the settings file but it doesn't have any effect.
- I found the below documentation but there is no documentation as to what
values need to be placed in each parameter and if/how they are related to
anything else like the settings file or repository definitions.  I have
been unsuccessful in finding any example or better documentation via
- Currently, I create the repository.xml file in the directory where I want
it (a subdirectory in Wildfly19 welcome-content) and using the
RepositoryAdmin service I can get the repository and all the resources in
it via http.  However, when I want to install the bundle in the resource
the RepositoryAdmin cannot access the URI value; presumably because it is
in my home directory /home/chuck/m2.....
- If anybody can help me figure out how to do this I'd be most appreciative.
- Taken from:
- *deploy* - adds the current bundle project to a remote OBR configuration

   - *remoteOBR* name of remote OBR, defaults to NONE (which means no
   remote OBR deployment)
   - *obrRepository* used when the remoteOBR name is blank, defaults to
   - *prefixUrl* optional public URL prefix for the remote repository
   - *bundleUrl* optional public URL where the bundle has been deployed
   - *altDeploymentRepository* alternative remote repository,
   - *obrDeploymentRepository* optional OBR specific deployment repository.
   - *ignoreLock* ignore remote locking when updating the OBR
   - *supportedProjectTypes* defaults to "jar","bundle"

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