I'm not sure I understand your configuration.  You are not using
FlashBuilder?  When do you see this error?

The goal is to set the Java flag java.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort.
        java -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true ...

Maybe something like this [1]?


On 8/11/13 9:43 PM, "Thiago Maia" <a...@a00s.com> wrote:

>Thanks for the message.
>Whats happen is that if I use Java + Flex 4.9+Eclipse juno, it
>works, but with flex 4.10 it doesnt.
>> See [1]
>> eneral-contract-java-7-only
>> On 8/11/13 11:58 AM, "Thiago Maia" <a...@a00s.com> wrote:
>>> I just updatet Java to 7.25 and I also tried the pre release of 8. Both
>>> with the same error message -(
>>> Thiago
>>>> IIRC, this is a JVM issue.  What version of Java are you running and
>>>> what OS?
>>>> -Alex
>>>> On 8/10/13 9:30 PM, "Thiago Maia" <a...@a00s.com> wrote:
>>>>> I installed Flash 11.8, and run the Eclipse as administrator, and the
>>>>> error in the simple project disappear. In the complex progect, still
>>>>> hacing error.
>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Hello Om
>>>>>>        Thanks for your message.
>>>>>>         Yes, I used the Flex SDK Installer, I also select all
>>>>>> the installation was perfect with no errors.
>>>>>>         I Just tried to create a new project just having one mxml
>>>>>> no
>>>>>> server, it create automaticaly this file below. The same happen,
>>>>>> the same message and 4.9 it works.
>>>>>>         I guess everybody else could make a project without
>>>>>>problems so
>>>>>> this must be a problem with my setup.
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Thiago
>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>>>>>> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
>>>>>>                  xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
>>>>>>                  xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"
>>>>>> minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
>>>>>> </s:Application>
>>>>>>> Thiago,
>>>>>>> Did you install using the Apache Flex SDK Installer?  If so, did
>>>>>>> select
>>>>>>> the optional "Remoting Support" component during the installation?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Om
>>>>>>> On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Thiago Maia <a...@a00s.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>>>>         I installed the Flex 4.10, but I keep having a message
>>>>>>>> I not
>>>>>>>> sure if this error is related with my project or the compiler. But
>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>> happen when I select Flex 4.10, If I use Flex 4.9 it works.
>>>>>>>> Im using Eclipse Juno+Flex 4.10+Blazeds
>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot
>>>>>>>> The error message from Eclipse is this
>>>>>>>> Severity: Error
>>>>>>>> Message: Uncaught exception in compiler
>>>>>>>> Session Data:
>>>>>>>> eclipse.buildId=M20130204-1200
>>>>>>>> java.version=1.7.0_21
>>>>>>>> java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
>>>>>>>> BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=en_US
>>>>>>>> Framework arguments:  -product
>>>>>>>> Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64 -product
>>>>>>>> org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.**product
>>>>>>>> Exception Stack Trace:
>>>>>>>> java.lang.**IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates
>>>>>>>> general contract!
>>>>>>>>        at java.util.TimSort.mergeHi(**Unknown Source)
>>>>>>>>        at java.util.TimSort.mergeAt(**Unknown Source)
>>>>>>>>        at java.util.TimSort.**mergeCollapse(Unknown Source)
>>>>>>>>        at java.util.TimSort.sort(Unknown Source)
>>>>>>>>        at java.util.TimSort.sort(Unknown Source)
>>>>>>>>        at java.util.Arrays.sort(Unknown Source)
>>>>>>>>        at 
>>>>>>>>        at flex2.compiler.swc.SwcGroup.<**init>(SwcGroup.java:67)
>>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>>> flex2.compiler.swc.SwcCache.**getSwcGroup(SwcCache.java:109)
>>>>>>>>        at 
>>>>>>>>        at flex2.compiler.**CompilerSwcContext.load(**
>>>>>>>> CompilerSwcContext.java:96)
>>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>>> flex2.tools.oem.Application.**recompile(Application.java:**1170)
>>>>>>>>        at 
>>>>>>>>        at flex2.tools.flexbuilder.**BuilderApplication.compile(**
>>>>>>>> BuilderApplication.java:367)
>>>>>>>>        at com.adobe.flexbuilder.**multisdk.compiler.internal.**
>>>>>>>> 30
>>>>>>>> 9)
>>>>>>>>        at com.adobe.flexbuilder.**multisdk.compiler.internal.**
>>>>>>>> ASApplicationBuilder.build(**ASApplicationBuilder.java:128)
>>>>>>>>        at com.adobe.flexbuilder.**multisdk.compiler.internal.**
>>>>>>>> ASBuilder.build(ASBuilder.**java:203)
>>>>>>>>        at com.adobe.flexbuilder.**multisdk.compiler.internal.**
>>>>>>>> ASItemBuilder.build(**ASItemBuilder.java:93)
>>>>>>>>        at com.adobe.flexbuilder.project.**compiler.internal.**
>>>>>>>> FlexProjectBuilder.buildItem(**FlexProjectBuilder.java:708)
>>>>>>>>        at com.adobe.flexbuilder.project.**compiler.internal.**
>>>>>>>> FlexProjectBuilder.build(**FlexProjectBuilder.java:412)
>>>>>>>>        at com.adobe.flexbuilder.project.**compiler.internal.**
>>>>>>>> FlexIncrementalBuilder.build(**FlexIncrementalBuilder.java:**171)
>>>>>>>>        at org.eclipse.core.internal.**events.BuildManager$2.run(**
>>>>>>>> BuildManager.java:726)
>>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>>> org.eclipse.core.runtime.**SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.**java:42)
>>>>>>>>        at org.eclipse.core.internal.**events.BuildManager.**
>>>>>>>> basicBuild(BuildManager.java:**199)
>>>>>>>>        at org.eclipse.core.internal.**events.BuildManager.**
>>>>>>>> basicBuild(BuildManager.java:**239)
>>>>>>>>        at org.eclipse.core.internal.**events.BuildManager$1.run(**
>>>>>>>> BuildManager.java:292)
>>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>>> org.eclipse.core.runtime.**SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.**java:42)
>>>>>>>>        at org.eclipse.core.internal.**events.BuildManager.**
>>>>>>>> basicBuild(BuildManager.java:**295)
>>>>>>>>        at org.eclipse.core.internal.**events.BuildManager.**
>>>>>>>> basicBuildLoop(BuildManager.**java:351)
>>>>>>>>        at org.eclipse.core.internal.**events.BuildManager.build(**
>>>>>>>> BuildManager.java:374)
>>>>>>>>        at 
>>>>>>>> AutoBuildJob.java:143)
>>>>>>>>        at org.eclipse.core.internal.**events.AutoBuildJob.run(**
>>>>>>>> AutoBuildJob.java:241)
>>>>>>>>        at
>>>>>>>> org.eclipse.core.internal.**jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:**53)

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