
This may or may not be of some help, but this is the way I control Callouts:

I build a class to handle all opening and closing of callouts. I call it the 
I create a property var to store the reference to each open callout, if you 
have 2 callouts open then you would have 2 separate properties for reference.

public var pLoginCallout:Callout = new loginCallout;
public var pSettingsCallout:Callout = new settingsCallout;

I then can kill one or both of the reference at a time.


public function mKillLoginCallout():void{
        pLoginCallout = null;

There may be easier ways, but this works well as an overall callout control. 
This also works nicely if you are dealing with
mobile devices and need to handle the closing or resizing during a orientation 


On Sep 17, 2013, at 4:09 AM, Carlos Velasco wrote:

> When using a callout button inside the callout content of a different
> callout button I am having an undesired effect.
> Calling the dropdown method of the child callout button (the one placed at
> the callout content) is closing its callout content (as desired) but also
> closing the parents callout content.
> Is there a way of avoiding that behaviour?
> Thanks in advance.
> Carlos.

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