Well the US DoD requires their centrally managed/hosted 
websites/web-applications to have a Notice and Consent banner before using 
them.  So I suppose it depends your environment.  IMO in general since the 
web-apps do not install, no EULA is required.  The license for the flash player 
was already agreed to when it was installed by itself.


-----Original Message-----
From: modjkl...@comcast.net [mailto:modjkl...@comcast.net] 
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 2:14 PM
To: apache flex users
Subject: EULA or SaaS agreement for Flex browser-based (e.g. plug-in; not AIR) 

I'm not seeking legal advice, just a little conventional wisdom perhaps. 

I'm trying to understand whether a traditional Flex enterprise app requires an 
end-user-license agreement (EULA) or a software-as-a-service (SaaS) agreement. 
This website, 



"If the customer puts a copy of a software application on a computer—downloads 
it, installs it from a disk, etc.—the deal calls for a license (e.g. EULA). 
Copyright law gives the software’s owner a monopoly over the right to copy it 
(to “reproduce” it), so the customer needs a copyright license to make a copy 
and put it on a computer. But in a SaaS deal, the customer doesn’t put software 
on a computer, or copy it at all. The software sits on the vendor’s computer 
and the customer merely accesses it via the Internet. With no copies, copyright 
plays no role in the transaction, so the customer doesn’t need a copyright 
license. Rather, the customer needs a simple promise: “During the term of this 
Agreement, Vendor will provide the System to Customer.” 

In other words, the customer gets a service in a SaaS deal, not software. The 
vendor just uses software to provide the service. The vendor operates like an 
Internet service provider (ISP). Earthlink and Comcast and other ISP’s use 
millions of dollars of software to give their customers Internet access. But 
they don’t give their customers copies of that software. Rather, they provide a 
subscription to the service made possible by that software." 

I can understand AIR applications fall into the EULA agreement since they are 
"installed" on the client. But what about browser-based apps using the FP 
plugin? On one hand, the software runs in the browser and is is not installed 
(at least not traditionally installed, e.g. as stand alone software); on the 
other hand, unless the software accesses a backend, the software resides in 
cache and runs completely on the client computer (no internet connection 
required after it loads). 

I can see it both ways. Anyone go through this before and can shed some light 
on it? 

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