Thanks Joseph, I read them just now, and, you are my hero! Glad to see some new 
efforts underway. Would be nice if there was a path others could provide 
examples as well... all on one site (which is specifically designed for this; 
not the Apache Flex blog which covers many other things). I'm thinking hundreds 
and hundreds of examples from simple to more complex. I spend so much time 
Googling for current examples scattered around the internet, it's not 
productive. Looking forward to whatever results. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Joseph Balderson" <> 
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 2:37:09 PM 
Subject: Re: how about "cookbook" website for Apache Flex? 

See "Apache Flex Examples" and "Apache Flex Examples Proposal" threads on the list. 


Joseph Balderson, Flex & Flash Platform Developer :: 
Author, Professional Flex 3 :: wrote: 
> All this talk about an Apache flex book got me thinking about what I would 
> like to read. 
> As a newcomer to Flex, I learned so much from this website 
> , but it seems a lot of the examples are no 
> longer live (what's up with that?), and many are outdated. I spend most of my 
> development learning about Flex from Google searches that brought me to 
> peoples' blogs. I bought the Flex Bible, which was great for the basics, but 
> didn't answer all of those one-off questions like the blogs tackled (because 
> the writers couldn't find it anywhere else I suppose). Now those blog links 
> are starting to go away, and they're so hard to find anyway. 
> Why not have a separate section of the Apache Flex website dedicated to 
> examples that USERS can upload for others to run and view the source code? 
> It would be like, except the content is driven 
> by users and relevant to life with current SDKs. The critical part of the 
> website would be just to provide an infrastructure for people to easily 
> contribute their work. It might also include some search capability or other 
> navigational aid, and a comments section for each example so discussions can 
> follow. Then the users take over... 
> I just think people learn by doing and if a website can be created with some 
> basic infrastructure, it can grow organically over time and be a great 
> resource to newcomers. It would also show that people are actively working 
> and contributing to Flex (I envision future marketing efforts could say 
> "...over 100 examples were added just this last month..." as a metric for 
> Flex's growing relevance). The advantage over a published cookbook is that a 
> book requires a dedicated team with long hours, it becomes outdated with 
> newer SDK releases, covers a limited number of topics, and it's not 
> interactive. Anyway, that's just my 2 cents for what I'd like to see from 
> Apache Flex. 

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