I'm guessing just test for an empty string / value when doing the compare for 
that column.  Only catch is to watch for the sorting direction to always force 
the blanks down.  Here is a page [1] that may help.  Below is a from the hip 
example I put together... although it needs 

import spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn;
import spark.globalization.SortingCollator;

protected var collator:SortingCollator = new SortingCollator();

function sortCompareWhatnot(obj1:Object, obj2:Object, gc:GridColumn):int
    if (String(obj1[gc.dataField]) == "")
        if (gc.sortDescending == true)
            return -1

        return 1;

    if (String(obj2[gc.dataField]) == "")
        if (gc.sortDescending == true)
            return 1

        return -1;

    return collator.compare(obj1[gc.dataField], obj2[gc.dataField]);

<s:GridColumn sortcompareFunction="sortCompareWhatnot" />



-----Original Message-----
From: mitesh Dave [mailto:mites...@yahoo.co.in] 
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 1:34 AM
To: users@flex.apache.org
Subject: Custom SortComparefunction to avoid empty data

Hi Everyone,
 Can someone please help me to have a comparefunction  for datagird,which can 
avoid empty rows or data while comparing and put those empty rows always at end.


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