On 5/22/14 9:53 PM, "Devesh Mishra" <devesh.mis...@mastek.com> wrote:

>Hi Alex,
>Now I have a working SDK. But I have still one query. As I told you
>earlier, I have manually created Spark folder, inside that there is a 0KB
>file (spark.css). Will it create any problem ?
That should be fine.  That's what the 0.0.2 install script will do.

>Another thing is that, using the same SDK when I try to create a new
>project in FB 4.7, it gives me two error in application file. Application
>file seems like,
Yes, I forgot to add to the release notes that Flash Builder does not know
how to create a FlexJS project.  Please try following the information in
the wiki at [1].  Basically, always start from one of the existing



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