
I had a similar problem once and it was because I hadn't compiled in the 
Embedded Font Registry. To do this you can create a property in your main.MXML 

import mx.core.EmbeddedFontRegistry;
private var embeddedFontRegistry:EmbeddedFontRegistry;

Even if that doesn't fix your specific problem, my experience has been that you 
do need to include the Embedded Font Registry when working with embedded fonts. 

Hope that helps

On Sep 30, 2014, at 7:05 AM, 4xy <workingfe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I try to achieve the subject mentions goal, but with no success. I wasted
> about two days but with no success. Nothing that talked about on the web
> works for me. 
> I'm using flexmojos & maven to build the app. 
> I found out that sytles apply to mx:Label, but s:Label doesn't work (on
> desktop & mobile).
> The project running on desktop and mobile platforms. 
> Here is subset of links I found. Unfortunately nothing helped. 
> http://blogs.adobe.com/jasonsj/2011/08/embedding-fonts-in-flex-mobile-projects.html
> https://docs.sonatype.org/display/FLEXMOJOS/FAQ
> https://docs.sonatype.org/display/FLEXMOJOS/Using+Adobe+Font+Manager+to+embed+fonts
> https://flexmojos.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FLEXMOJOS/Embedding+(CFF)+fonts
> http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flex/using/WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7f5f.html
> I also read this.
> http://apache-flex-users.2333346.n4.nabble.com/CFF-fonts-render-bolder-in-Apache-4-9-over-Adobe-4-1a-td979.html#a986
> The font is here
> http://www.dafont.com/explora.font
> I tried to convert it to .otf and .cff. In case with cff I get the
> transocode error while compile. 
> .otf similar to .ttf doesn't work.
> That is my css file:
> -- main.css --
> ...
> @font-face {
>  src:url("../resources/assets/explora.ttf");
>  fontFamily: "ExploraCFF";
>  fontWeight: bold;
>  embedAsCFF: true;
> }
> @font-face {
>  src:url("../resources/assets/explora.ttf");
>  fontFamily: "Explora";
>  fontWeight: bold;
>  embedAsCFF: false;
> }
> .nameLabelExplora
> {
>  fontFamily: "ExploraCFF";
>  fontLookup: "embeddedCFF";
> }
> ...
> -- main.mxml --
> ...
> <fx:Style source="main.css"/>
> <s:Label id="nameLabel" color="#ffff7d" fontSize="20" paddingTop="3"
>             paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" styleName="nameLabelExplora"/>
> ...
> In my pom.xml I added font managers and dependencies for
> flexmojos-maven-plugin
> -- pom.xml --
>               <plugin>
>                    <groupId>net.flexmojos.oss</groupId>
>                    <artifactId>flexmojos-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>                    <version>6.0.1</version>
>                    <extensions>true</extensions>
>                    <configuration>
>                        <storepass/>
>                        <debug>${flex.debug}</debug>
>                        <defines>
>                            <property>
>                                <name>CONFIG::debug</name>
>                                <value>${flex.debug}</value>
>                            </property>
>                        </defines>
> <staticLinkRuntimeSharedLibraries>true</staticLinkRuntimeSharedLibraries>
>                      <fonts>
>                        <managers>
>                          <manager>flash.fonts.AFEFontManager</manager>
>                          <manager>flash.fonts.CFFFontManager</manager>
>                        </managers>
>                      </fonts>
>                    </configuration>
>                    <dependencies>
>                        <dependency>
>                            <groupId>com.adobe.flex.framework</groupId>
>                            <artifactId>flex-framework</artifactId>
>                            <version>${flex.version}</version>
>                            <type>pom</type>
>                        </dependency>
>                        <dependency>
>                            <groupId>com.adobe.flex</groupId>
>                            <artifactId>compiler</artifactId>
>                            <version>${flex.version}</version>
>                            <type>pom</type>
>                        </dependency>
>                        <dependency>
>                          <groupId>com.adobe.flex.compiler</groupId>
>                          <artifactId>flex-fontkit</artifactId>
>                          <version>${flex.version}</version>
>                        </dependency>
>                        <dependency>
>                          <groupId>com.adobe.flex.compiler</groupId>
>                          <artifactId>afe</artifactId>
>                          <version>${flex.version}</version>
>                        </dependency>
>                        <dependency>
>                          <groupId>com.adobe.flex.compiler</groupId>
>                          <artifactId>aglj40</artifactId>
>                          <version>${flex.version}</version>
>                        </dependency>
>                        <dependency>
>                          <groupId>com.adobe.flex.compiler</groupId>
>                          <artifactId>rideau</artifactId>
>                          <version>${flex.version}</version>
>                        </dependency>
>                    </dependencies>
>                </plugin>
> Could anybody tell me how to achieve the spark label to be styled within the
> custom font?
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://apache-flex-users.2333346.n4.nabble.com/How-to-embedd-font-and-apply-it-to-s-Label-flex-4-10-tp8216.html
> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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