Thanks Om. I see the approach you are taking. I'll explore the options and see what is possible.

Just as a general comment. I'm using Flex to build a rather complex app (600 separate English lessons teaching 3500 new words with multiple instructional components, audio and games as rewards). I'm continually amazed at how well things work across devices (even down to Android 2.2 and quite primitive phones) and from Android to iOS to the web. The components are much more pleasing to the eye than stock Android elements. Why in the world would Adobe drop such a fantastic product, just when they had solved most of the problems? I can only imagine that the decision was imposed by a dumb CEO afraid of profits in the short term. Does anyone know the inside story behind the decision?


From: "OmPrakash Muppirala" <>
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 3:39 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Korean text not displayed on Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro

Have you tried using the skin?

If you are adventurous, you can get the nightly build and try
the spark.skins.android4.StageTextAreaSkin which has been newly added.


On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Lane Friesen <>

I'm using a TextArea with the following parameters:

        <s:TextArea id="questArea" textAlign="left" editable="false"
selectable="false" x="20" y="295"
                                paddingTop="15" paddingLeft="25"
verticalScrollPolicy="on" paddingRight="25"
                                height="200" width="550" fontSize="25"


It's loaded by


I'm using Flashbuilder 4.7 with the latest updates. Korean text comes up
blank on a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro. There is no problem on the emulator or
on devices such as the Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

I noticed others having the same problem:

Is there a workaround?


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